Document list needed for curriculum accreditation according to AUN-QA 3.0

(Thời gian cập nhật: 22:01 31/08/2021)
No. Content Note
  1. Self-assessment report (SAR)
  2. Appendices of SAR are enclosed/available online
  3. Access rights and passwords
  4. Information and documents which are translated into English include:
4.1 Expected learning outcome
4.2 Brief outline of all courses in the programme
4.3 Programme specification
4.4 Samples of course specification
4.5 Educational philosophy
4.6 Sample of examination papers
4.7 Sample of marking guides
4.8 Sample of rubrics especially for internships, projects and thesis writing
4.9 Sample of academic and support staff appraisal forms
4.10 Sample of student evaluation
4.11 1-page brief of each survey, tracer study report or minutes of meeting
4.12 Executive summary of academic and support manpower plan
4.13 Executive summary of training and development plan for academic and support staff