Uncategorized Accreditation Documents at Educational Institute Level (Thời gian cập nhật: 09:44 22/09/2021) The documents related to the evaluation criteria of Higher Education Institution’s training quality according to MOET: Circular No.: 62/2012/TT-BGDĐT dated 28 Dec 2012, promulgating the regulation in the process and frequency of education quality assessment of universities, colleges and vocational high schools Circular No.:12/2017/TT-BGDDT dated 19 May 2017, promulgating the regulation on higher education accreditation Official Dispatch No.:766/QLCL-KDCLGD dated 20 April, 2018 (Guidelines for Self-Assessment and External Assessment) Official Dispatch No.:1668/QLCL-KDCLGD dated 31 December, 2019 (Evaluation Manual) Official Dispatch No.:768/QLCL-KDCLGD dated 20 April, 2018 (Guide to assessment according to institution assessment standards) University’s Documents Quality Management Department organized conference of officials and employees at institutional level in academic year 2021-2022